1 million reported sightings. Hundreds of testimonys about abductions.
2,000 video-cam and TV-recordings. Thousands of photos. Military leaders and scientists
who tells about documented crashes, bodies and alien-technique on secret bases.
Experiments which has resulted in nuclear-explosions and testflights. Powerless presidents.
Laws against contact with aliens. Murder, threats and a total contempt of democratic
values... What's it all about?
Maintained by Jorgen Westman
Swedish version of WUFOC
(issue 3 not available in Swedish!)
Don't miss my presentation of how we now can use a single original photo of a UFO to present its flying pattern! (160kb)
Now you can get this magazine in print for only $10,00, ú7,00 (incl. p&p) Mail me for further instructions at west@tripnet.se
Here you find western Sweden UFO-association
UFO-VÄST and our magazine NÄRKONTAKT
The next English issue (delayed) will be out
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by the judges from Sci-Fi Central!
Why not ride the wave to another UFO-site?!

All rights reserved to WUFOC and NÄRKONTAKT. If you reprint or quote any part of the content,
you must give credit to: WUFOC, the free UFO-alternative on the Internet, http://www.tripnet.se/home/west/index.html